The Wonderful World of Kindergarten

Welcome to our Reggio Emilia inspired classroom at Dr. David Suzuki School.
JoAnne Pizzuto, OCT & Jocelyne Brent, RECE, BASc (Hons)

Thursday 9 July 2015

A Gallery Walk - Presentation to The Cancer Centre

After weeks of dedicated inspiration for patients and their families using the treatment rooms at the Cancer Centre, we hosted a gallery walk for some very special people and presented the children's art.
Nancy Brockenshire and Nurse Maggie from the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre came to see the children's work and accept the children's gift of art. Dr. Deb Sissons (our very own Alex's mother), 
was the person that made this all possible!

Excitement and smiles filled the art studio!

The children explained their art and happily answered questions.

Sets of artistic works came together. 
Water by author/illustrator Frank Asch provoked swirling rainbow waves 
in which a single boat appeared. One had the boat sitting at the top, ready to slide into rainbow dots and splashes. Another had a boat in the midst of multi-coloured whirls that gave way to a rainbow umbrella. And then...calm waters under a sun sending twirling rainbow beams as the boat heads out of the picture.
Kate and Morgan are pleased to pose with their picture and talk about how they 
worked together to create their masterpiece.

Addison hears about Morgan's very fun picture. She is quite sure it will put a smile on everyone's face and make them laugh! After all, the sun is wearing sunglasses and is eating a hot dog and drinking hot chocolate, while there is a rainbow dance party happening. The rainbow caterpillar is moving to the beat under the flowers as a disco ball hangs from the clouds throwing it's colours all around!
Now that's some kind of fun!

A simply stated painting in the back corner has caught someone's eye. Little do the admirers know that it was created by Aiden...who had a very strong vision of what he wanted to create. Aiden created his 6 stemmed flower picture using painted thumbprints. He spent a great deal of time painting his thumbs over and over again and pressing them to the paper, making the leaves and flowers. Hidden from view, he tells his captivated audience how he accomplished this effect.

After talking to Ms. Brockenshire about her snowflake masterpiece, 
Mya enjoys a renewed appreciation of her fine work.

Mrs. Tulio came down from the office to share in the experience. 
True appreciators of the arts and the value of helping our community.

The Tree Study - Water Paint and Marble Paper

We discuss the calmness of the colours and the happiness of the children playing under the tree.

The techniques used in these paintings were created with marbles, 
fingers, tips of brush handles and splatter.

Very special people indeed. We look forward to the works that were created in the wonderful world of kindergarten bringing respite to those who must use the treatment rooms at the cancer centre.

A big Thank You to Alex's mother.
Thank you for the excitement you generated, the connection you liaised and the opportunity to help our children truly experience the meaning of a selfless act of compassion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What beautiful art and for a good cause!
Emily (Aiden's mom)